

Fortis Cunningham Pioneers Breakthrough Treatment

Fortis Cunningham

Fortis Hospital Cunningham Road has achieved a significant medical milestone in providing a renewed lease of life to a 12-year-old boy from Assam who grappled with voiding dysfunction. This distressing condition, characterized by difficulty in emptying the bladder completely, was attributed to a condition called neurogenic bladder, leading to profound physical and emotional turmoil.

Under the guidance of Dr. Mohan Keshavamurthy, Senior Director in the field of Urology, Uro-Oncology, Uro-Gynaecology, Andrology, Transplant, and Robotic Surgery at Fortis Hospitals Bengaluru, and Dr. Shakir Tabrez, Senior Consultant Urology, Uro- Oncology, Andrology, Kidney Transplant and Robotic Surgery Fortis Hospital Cunningham Road the expert urology team successfully treated the young patient.

The 12-year-old boy had endured the challenges of incomplete bladder emptying throughout his young life. Following a thorough examination, it was revealed that a nerve entrapment in his spinal cord, led to the diagnosis of neurogenic bladder.

This condition arises when the nerves responsible for transmitting the signals from the brain to the bladder, allowing us to pass urine, are dysfunctional because of entrapment within the spinal cord or other neurological disorders. Addressing this complex situation, the urology team performed a Mitrofanoff Appendico-Vesicostomy.

Dr. Shakir Tabrez, Senior Consultant Urology, Uro- Oncology, Andrology, Kidney Transplant and Robotic Surgery stated, “Normally urine passes from the kidneys to the bladder through tubes called ureters. Bladder stores the urine until a voluntary signal travels from the brain once the bladder is full. Then the bladder contracts and urine leaves the body through a tube in the genitalia called the urethra. Voiding dysfunction occurs when the signal to or from the brain, is disrupted. In this case, the young boy’s voiding dysfunction was attributed to a trapped nerve in his spinal cord. As a consequence, urine gets retained causing frequent infections and damage to the kidneys. To address this, we performed a Mitrofanoff Appendico-Vesicostomy, wherein appendix is utilised to create a pathway through an abdominal opening for catheter insertion, allowing bladder emptying through abdomen instead of the urethra. This surgical intervention enables periodic catheterization through the abdominal wall, providing a more convenient method for managing bladder emptying.” “This approach allows most children to catheterize themselves – painlessly,” emphasised Dr Tabrez.

As per the press release, following the successful surgery, the boy was discharged just two days later, equipped with a catheter that facilitated urine drainage, granting him increased mobility and a more comfortable recovery process.

Akshay Oleti, Business Head, Fortis Hospitals Bangalore added, “The Mitrofanoff procedures performed by our skilled team of urologists were crucial in addressing the specific needs of the patient, and we are pleased with the positive outcome. We strongly urge that younger patients undergo regular check-ups to help prevent any potential healthcare inconsistencies. Fortis Hospital Cunningham Road continues to showcase its commitment to advanced medical care and transformative solutions for patients facing complex urological challenges”.


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