

What are the advantages of IV therapy?

Everyone requires different nutrients to look and feel their best. Even if you eat an optimally balanced diet and take high-quality supplements, you lose some vitamins and nutrients as they work their way through your digestive system.

IV therapy restores nutritional balance and targets shortages that your diet isn’t providing. It ensures you get everything you need, because this method delivers critical nutrients and extra fluids directly into your bloodstream, bypassing your digestive tract.

Your personalized IV treatment uses the perfect amount of nutrients to boost your gut health, relieve allergy symptoms, and more.

Benefits of IV therapy

If you experience fatigue, brain fog, or chronic pain and inflammation, IV therapy can relieve symptoms quickly and efficiently.

Prevent or shorten infections

IV therapy shortens or prevents various infections for some patients. Vitamin C plays a primary role in easing and even stopping some conditions. One study shows that vitamin C prevents pneumonia, relieves some neurological pain, and inhibits skin infections.

An IV treatment plan that includes a hefty dose of vitamin C could make you feel healthier and more energized.

Minimize your risk for COVID-19

While masks and social distancing keep you safe, the right vitamins and nutrients may help you avoid falling ill with the coronavirus.

Even though more research is needed, many experts believe certain vitamins may protect you from COVID-19. Scientists note that zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin C may help keep you infection-free.

Relieve allergy symptoms

Your body triggers an immune response to fight allergies. It diminishes fluids and nutrients as it protects you.

As vital resources are depleted, your body stops fighting the allergens, making you feel worse. IV therapy restores vitamins and minerals so your body can continue protecting you from perceived pathogens, alleviating uncomfortable allergy symptoms.

Improve gut health

Gut health refers to good bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. Your body needs this beneficial bacteria to keep you healthy because it directly influences the probability of having diabetes, depression, and colon cancer. Good gut health can even prevent obesity.

Get glowing skin

Besides improving gut health and preventing certain infections, IV therapy may improve certain skin conditions.

If you have an illness that prevents your body from absorbing the nutrients you need, you may notice a change in skin tone or texture. IV therapy helps you achieve healthier, softer skin by restoring fluid and nutrient balance.

Good candidates for IV therapy

Everyone can benefit from IV therapy. You can schedule treatment to reduce a range of health concerns, including:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Hypertension
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Thyroid problems
  • Digestive issues

If you need a healthy dose of energy, you’ll love how you feel after IV therapy. Treatments are quick and convenient. Call us at Medserg Health, or use our online booking feature to request an appointment.


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