

How to reduce gastric problem by Ayurveda?

How to reduce gastric problem by Ayurveda?

Any condition that involves inflammation of the stomach lining is referred to as gastritis. Nowadays we commonly see people having issues with belly pain, indigestion, bloating and nausea. These are mainly due to irregular food habits, and consumption of unhealthy foods and alcohol or beverages leading to serious health problems.

In almost many people gastritis is minor and will go away quickly after treatment. However, some forms of gastritis can produce ulcers or increase the risk of cancers. Various factors can damage the stomach lining causing gastritis such as drinking alcohol, taking pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, swallowing corrosive substances, having a bacterial or viral infection, and getting radioactive treatments to the upper abdomen and lower part of the chest.

The goal of gastritis treatment is a diet to reduce stomach inflammation. The general recommendation of a gastritis diet is to avoid drinking beverages that commonly cause stomach irritation. So the first thing you need is to correct your lifestyle. Make sure you take your food properly according to the timings, avoid junk foods, and avoid more oily foods and spicy are all these things you need to avoid. A gastritis diet is designed to ease the symptoms flare-up and prevent the condition from worsening.

Here are some common names used to explain gastritis 

  • Gastric
  • Acid belching
  • Chest burning
  • Acid peptic disorder
  •  For Ayurvedic system of medicine, it is called “Amlapitta”

There are two types of gastritis generally:

  1. Acute gastric – Acute gastritis comes over suddenly.
  2. Chronic gastric – develops over some time and lasts for a longer time.

Signs and symptoms of Gastritis

Gastritis symptoms vary from person to person, and many people have no symptoms. However, the following are the most common symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Belching
  • Bloating
  • Irregular bowel movement
  • Abdominal bloating or stomach fullness
  • Headache, hiccups
  • Tiredness/fatigue, tastelessness

Almost everyone has experienced indigestion and stomach irritation. Most cases of indigestion are short and simple and do not necessarily require medical attention. Consult your doctor if you have signs and symptoms of gastritis for more than a week.

Seek medical attention right away if you are in severe pain, are vomiting and unable to keep any food down, or are feeling light-headed or dizzy. Inform your doctor if you experience stomach discomfort after taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, particularly aspirin or other pain relievers.

What are the Ayurvedic Treatments for Gastritis?

Ayurvedic medicine has been shown to be the most effective treatment for Severe Gastritis. According to Ayurveda, severe gastritis is a “Urdhvaga amla pitta yoga.” Which is caused by an aggravation of a metabolic disorder or pitta dosha. Improper dietary habits affect the fire in the stomach, causing it to produce more toxins or acid and secrete more digestive enzymes, resulting in gastritis. The following are options for ayurvedic treatment for gastritis:

  • Vamana: Vamana is the method that involves the administration of herbal stimulations and a single herb to induce vomiting. This helps in cleansing the stomach and removes toxins from the body. It aids in treating poison, inflammation of the stomach in the intestine, and indigestion.
  • Abhyanga: Abhyanga is an ayurvedic massage that helps in opening channels for better circulation so that proper nourishment can reach the tissue and eliminate impurities from your body.
  • Virechana: it is a therapeutic purgation, a therapy that’s performed to clean and clear the lower part of the gut. Herbs are used and decided on the base of the individual condition and nature of the purgative.


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