Dr. Manoj Khatri
Ophthalmologist Cornea Specialist, Senior Consultant MBBS, , , , , , , Chennai, India Works at Apollo Spectra Hospital, Chennai 17 years of experience
- Dr. Manoj Khatri is a renowned Ophthalmologist practicing successfully for more than 17 years.
- He is skilled in performing Laser Refractive and Cataract Surgery, Corneal Surgery, Astigmatism, Oculoplastic Surgery and Laser Procedures for Retinal Diseases.
- The doctor is the recipient of the Best outgoing postgraduate in Ophthalmology award in SRMC.
- He is a member of numerous prestigious associations that are: All India Ophthalmological Society, Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association, Vitreo Retina Society of India (VRSI), Delhi Ophthalmological Society (DOS), American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and Indian Medical Association (IMA).