Dr. Manish Kumar Choudhary
Urologist and Renal Transplant Specialist HOD MBBS, MS, MCh, Fellowship, Faridabad, India Works at QRG Health City, Faridabad 10 years of experience
- Dr. Manish Kumar Choudhary is a well-known Urologist/Kidney Transplant Specialist practicing for over a decade.
- He holds expertise in Laparoscopic Urology, Kidney Transplant, and Uro-oncology.
- After finishing his graduation, he pursued MS in General Surgery from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh, UP followed by M.Ch. in Urology from PGIMER, Chandigarh.
- He has attained a clinical fellowship in Kidney Transplant from St Joseph Healthcare Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
- He holds professional associations with the Indian Urology Association, American Urology Association, Canadian Urology Association, and Indian Society Of Organ Transplant.
- He has been honored with various awards and recognitions.