

Understanding Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Different from typical breast cancer is triple-negative breast cancer. It is responsible for 10–20% of all breast cancer types. These malignancies develop when particular hormone receptors are absent from the malignant cells. Your doctor’s test for the three receptors yields negative results. Triple-negative breast cancer is the result of this. The methods used to treat triple-negative breast cancer differ significantly from those used to treat other cancers. Women under 40 years old are typically the ones who experience it. Women from African, American, and Hispanic backgrounds frequently experience it.

According to research, triple-negative breast cancer has a mutant BRCA1 gene.

If you’re interested in learning more details on triple-negative breast cancer, check out this.

What Is Triple-Negative Breast Cancer?

The phrase “triple-negative” here refers to the lack of cell receptors. The distinctive identifiers used by researchers and medical professionals to identify particular cells are receptors.

These hormones’ receptors are absent from the cells:

  • Estrogen hormone
  • Progesterone hormone
  • Human Epidermal Growth Factor (ERF 2)

The doctors use techniques to target and eradicate these receptors in the case of different breast tumours. However, all three receptors are absent in triple-negative breast cancer cells. As a result, it becomes challenging to identify and remove such malignant cells.

The receptor test that your doctor will run to get a diagnosis will come out negative. This causes triple-negative breast cancer, a condition.

Numerous scientists are working hard to determine the true cause of this problem and its remedy. The study is still being conducted. However, there are numerous therapeutic options available for triple-negative breast cancer.

What Leads to Breast Cancer That Is Triple-Negative?

The BRCA1 gene mutation is the main contributor to triple-negative breast cancer. Generations may carry the mutant gene. Despite this, it is unknown what specifically causes triple-negative breast cancer.

African-American and Hispanic women are more likely to get triple-negative breast cancer than other ethnic groups. It is a result of genetic inheritance that has been passed down through the generations.

The most common cause of this condition is genetic inheritance. However, there may be additional causes that we are still unsure about. It is the primary focus of research because of this.

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Symptoms

The symptoms of triple-negative breast cancer are like other types of breast cancers.

Here are the signs and symptoms of triple-negative breast cancer:

  • Lump or cellular mass in breast
  • Nipple turned inwards
  • Nipple discharge
  • Breast pain
  • Redness and inflammation

How is triple-negative breast cancer diagnosed?
Triple-negative breast cancer cannot be diagnosed in any particular way. But a biopsy is the only way to make a diagnosis. If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, you should see your doctor for a test.

A pathological test that is used in this situation is a biopsy. Small tissue fragments will be removed from the damaged area by your doctor. The tissue will be examined and studied by the doctor under a microscope. Cell receptors will be tested in order to determine whether you have triple-negative breast cancer. These receptors have a particular affinity for the hormones progesterone, oestrogen, and EGF.

Breast Cancer Therapy for Triple-Negative Cases
Despite the fact that it is a specific sort of cancer, your doctor must check sure it does not spread to other body areas. Your body’s damaged cells could be surgically removed by the specialist.

The doctor will occasionally administer chemotherapy before to surgery. It ensures that the cancer cells are restricted to a particular extent. The physicians can surgically remove it once it stops spreading to other areas.

The doctor will suggest a course of action based on the patient’s condition.

Here are a few treatments for breast cancer that is triple-negative:

When cancer has just minimally progressed to the adjacent tissues, your doctor may advise a mastectomy. In these situations, the surgeon fully removes the breast portion and the tissues around it. Further.

Lumpectomy – In a lumpectomy, the surgeon removes the lumps from the breast. This stops spreading the cells to other body parts. The surgery takes an hour or two. The surgeon also removes some adjacent tissues and lymph nodes. This makes sure that even a single cell should not spread throughout the body.

Radiation – Radiation is the most traditional technique for killing cancerous cells. Usually, the doctors recommend radiation at the latter stages. It helps kill the cancerous cells when they have spread through the entire body. It is also performed after lumpectomy to remove the remaining cancerous cells if any. Your radiotherapist will provide high-energy radiation from a machine. The rays will target and kill your cancerous cells.

Chemotherapy – Chemotherapy is the most common method for all types of cancers. Your chemotherapist will give you special medicines. They target and you’re your cancerous cells.

The doctor also suggests chemotherapy before and after surgery. This eliminates the chance of cancer cells growing back.

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Diet

Dietitians recommend various diets to aid the body’s defence against malignant cells. Together with the therapy, the diet may have a specific role to play. Your immune system will be strengthened during the course of treatment.

The following are some of the components of a suggested diet:

  • Green leafy and fiber-rich vegetables
  • Legumes, pulses, and beans
  • Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice)
  • Antioxidant-rich foods like dark chocolate, green tea
  • Soybean
  • Broccoli
  • Fruits such as berries, carrots, grapes
  • Spices and herbs like turmeric, ginger, parsley

Foods you must avoid:

  • Red and processed meat
  • Sugar drinks
  • Refined grains
  • Processed foods
  • Alcohol

Immunotherapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Immunotherapy is an effective way of treating all types of cancers. Recent research has shown that immunotherapy has shown positive results in this case. The triple-negative breast cancer is an aggressive type.

The immune system of your body plays a vital role in fighting cancerous cells. Some labs make special proteins to induce the immune system. The immune cells will then identify and kill the cancerous cells in your body.

Research claims that the immunotherapy technique has been effective against triple-negative breast cancer.

Survival Rate for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

A variety of breast cancer diseases exist, including triple-negative breast cancer. Depending on the stage of the malignancy, the survival rate can change.

The 5-year rate of survival is divided into three categories by the American Cancer Society:

Local (91%)
Geographic (65%)
Remote (11%)
Recurrence of cancer is 40% likely. Nevertheless, 60% of patients assert that they are now cancer-free. When compared to other types of cancer, this case has a lower rate of recurrence.

What You Can Do to Look After Yourself?
The treatments are also limited because of the lack of a known aetiology. However, there are several precautions you can take to maintain your health throughout that time.

  • Make regular appointments with your doctor
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Avoid junk and fried food
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Practice meditation for a mental piece
  • Do some exercise and yoga but in a limited amount
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Drink water often


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