Patient Story

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Although their path to parenthood continues, Leela and Rivishen remain thankful for the expertise and understanding they found at Nova IVF Hospital.

Leela Devi Marudai

Patient Information

Patient- Leela Devi Marudaii
Age - 37
Treatment- Mauritius
Hospital- IVF NOVA, Delhi

“We’re Here Because of Faith”

Leela Devi Marudai, a 37-year-old woman from Mauritius, found herself on an emotional journey marked by hopes and challenges as she and her husband, Rivishen Marudai, sought to expand their family. After several years of trying to conceive, they decided to explore IVF treatment, leading them to Nova IVF Hospital in Delhi, where they met Dr. Aswati Nair, a renowned infertility specialist in the Delhi NCR region.

From their first consultation, Leela and Rivishen were struck by Dr. Nair’s empathetic approach. She took the time to listen to their story, addressing their concerns with kindness and expertise. Dr. Nair explained the IVF process in detail, ensuring that the couple felt informed and supported every step of the way. This reassuring environment made a significant difference, especially for Leela, who had experienced the emotional toll of infertility.

At Nova IVF Hospital, the couple underwent a thorough evaluation, which included various tests to understand Leela’s unique health profile. The hospital’s advanced facilities and compassionate staff made them feel at ease during this critical phase of their journey. Leela appreciated the attention to detail and the focus on personalized care that the team provided.

As they embarked on the IVF treatment, Leela experienced a range of emotions—hope, anxiety, and determination. She and Rivishen stood by each other, finding strength in their shared commitment to the process. The couple participated in every aspect of their treatment, from the initial preparations to the various procedures involved. With each appointment, they grew closer, drawing comfort from the support offered by Dr. Nair and the nursing staff.

Throughout the IVF journey, Leela learned the importance of self-care and maintaining a positive mindset. She engaged in activities that brought her joy and peace, helping to manage the stress that often accompanies fertility treatments. Rivishen’s unwavering support served as a pillar of strength, reminding her that they were in this together.

While the outcome of their IVF treatment did not align with their dreams, Leela and Rivishen found solace in the experience itself. They were grateful for the compassionate care they received at Nova IVF Hospital and for the professional guidance from Dr. Nair. The journey strengthened their bond as a couple and instilled in them a resilience that would carry them forward.

Leela’s story is a reminder of the complexities involved in the IVF journey. It underscores the importance of compassionate care and emotional support during challenging times. Although their path to parenthood continues, Leela and Rivishen remain thankful for the expertise and understanding they found at Nova IVF Hospital.

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