Patient Story

What they say about us

“She is very happy with her experience and says- “The care is very good at a fraction of the cost. I’ve got nothing but respect for this facility!”.

Terra Daugirda Pressleer

Patient Information

Patient- Terra Daugirda Pressler
Age - 38
Treatment- Hip Replacement Surgery
Hospital- Apollo Hospital, Kolkata

“We’re Here Because of Trust with the Medical Support”

The efficiency which I received at 3.00 am upon my arrival at Apollo Chennai was comparable to a five star hotel service. Apollo’s doctors are amazing professionals. The international patients department, the very reason for my visit took care of all our needs, and I look forward to my second visit to Apollo for further check-up. All you need to do for your healthcare is to check into Apollo Hospitals and your well-being is taken care of.

World Class Medical Treatment Using The Latest and Best Technologies At Affordable Prices is done with the help of Medserg

We wish them a happy and healthy future!

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