Patient Story

What they say about us

“In just half an hour of discussion, the doctor answered all my questions which were unanswered while i was in Kenya and US – I am happy with the results” – Medserg Health

Kevin Ombajo From Kenya

Patient Information

Patient- Kevin Ombajo
Age - 52
Treatment- Kenya
Hospital- Fortis Hospital, Gurugram

“We’re Here Because of Trust with the Medical Support”

Hear from Kevin Ombajo who tried various treatment option in Kenya and US and finally found the solution to his condition of recurrent atypical meningionma. He underwent a surgery to have the complete tumor removed. “In just half an hour of discussion, the doctor answered all my questions which were unanswered while i was in Kenya and US – I am happy with the results”

Recommonded Page – Brain Tumor Treatment Cost in India

World Class Medical Treatment Using The Latest and Best Technologies At Affordable Prices is done with the help of Medserg

We wish them a happy and healthy future!

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