Advance Fertility and Gynaecology Centre

Consult Advance Fertility and Gynaecology Centre Doctor - 24x7 Availability of Doctors

New Delhi, India

100+ Beds

11,000+ Healing Hands

Most Advanced Healthcare

Best Clinical Outcomes

4,500+ Pharmacies

About Hospital

  • The clinic has one of the most well equipped IVF labs in Northern India.
  • The laboratory strictly maintains optimum temperature, cleanliness and air purity.
  • Apart from OTs, they also have consultation chambers and a separate injection room where the temperature is maintained between 2-8 degree celsius.


    • Major procedures like IVF/ ICSI/ Blastocyst Culture/ Assisted Hatching/ Pre-Implantation screening and diagnosis are performed in this lab.
    • Advanced Fertility and Gyanecology Centre also has ultra modern birthing center with experienced obstetricians.
    • Separate spermatorium with modernized andrology & culture room facilities are available too.
    • The center also houses advanced fetal medicine unit to provide post pregnancy care to the patients. 

Team and Specialities

  • Internationally trained and experienced specialists who are well versed with latest processes and technology.
  • They have handled more than 5,000 IVF cases. 
  • The team guides their patients about the treatment and helps them in decision making.

Select Medical Department of Your Interest


Top Doctors At Advance Fertility and Gynaecology Centre

Dr. Kaberi Banerjee Medserg
Dr. Kaberi Banerjee is an internationally trained Best IVF Doctor in India who has handled more than 10000 IVF pregnancy cases so far.
IVF Specialist
22 years of experience

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Let's see our patient


Benedicta kwesi

Spine surgery
If you're considering treatment abroad, I highly recommend Medserg. They truly care about their patients and work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the best care possible.

Namrata Devi’s IVF Success Story

IVF Treatment
Today, Namrata and Indevarsing are proud parents, cherishing every moment with their little one.

Success Story: Sandhya Nandan’s Arterial Bypass Surgery

Arterial Bypass Surgery

Lutoviko Manu

Bypass Surgery
Lutoviko Manu received top-notch medical treatment in India facilitated by Medserg. Discover his journey to recovery and the exceptional care he received.

Samuel Arloo

Urology and Ophthalmology
"I am Samuel Arloo from Ghana, and I came to Medserg for treatment in urology and ophthalmology. I am very pleased with the medical care I received here.

Safi Husayni’s

High Abdomen Pain
"Life-Changing Medical Journey in India: Safi Husayni's Rave Review of Medserg's Support and Care!

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