Kidney Transplant Hospitals in Kolkata

Medserg has tied up with the Best Kidney Transplant Hospitals in Kolkata who are available round-the-clock to offer you an online consultation. All our doctors are highly qualified and experienced to ensure that all your heart-related conditions are taken care of.

Top 10 Kidney Transplant Hospitals in Kolkata

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Best Hospitals In India

what does a cardiologist do?

Cardiologists may perform physical examinations or prescribe tests like electrocardiograms (EKG), exercise stress tests, and blood tests as part of the diagnosis. Additionally, they may recommend taking medications, making lifestyle adjustments, such as cutting back on stress and increasing exercise and managing weight. A cardiologist is qualified to carry out a number of operations, including cardiac catheter insertion and pacemaker implantation. In addition to participating in lab research to develop novel medicines, they might teach at universities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically, atropine is the drug of choice for symptomatic bradycardia. An anticholinergic and potent belladonna alkaloid, it increases the heart rate, which improves hemodynamic stability. Epinephrine may be used as a secondary measure if atropine and temporary heart pacing don't improve hemodynamic stability.