Dr. Sukhdeep Singh
Consultant, Medanta
Dr. Sukhdeep Singh is a qualified M.Ch. in Plastic & Reconstructive surgery from Grant Medical College, Mumbai. Apart from four publications, seven presentations and his research work, he has got a wide array of experience in surgery. He has worked as a senior resident in General Surgery as well as a senior resident in Plastic Surgery. Dr. Sukhdeep has been honored with 1st prize in quiz in surgery at MAPSICON 2011, and has got several gold medals for Final Professional terms during his MBBS. He is a life member of several globally renowned associations like Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), ISRM and NABI. Dr. Sukhdeep is working with Medanta as a consultant since November 2012 in its Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department.
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