Dr. S. Gurumurthy
Radiation Oncologist Consultant Post Graduation, Chennai, India Works at Vijaya Hospital, Chennai 20 years of experience
- Dr.S. Gurumurthy is a Radiation Oncologist, based in Chennai with 20+ years of experience.
- His area of expertise lies in Cancer Screening (Preventive), Proton Therapy, Brachytherapy (Internal Radiation Therapy), External Beam Radiation for Prostate Cancer, Radiation for Breast Cancer.
- Dr. Gurumurthy is a highly qualified medical practitioner, having obtained degrees like MBBS, DMRT, and FCIP from reputed institutions of the country. Later, he did MRSH from London.
- The distinguished Oncologist has achieved a number of awards throughout his career like Sir A.Lakshmana Mudaliar Award in Oncology, State First in Oncology in 2001 and Gold medal in Oncology.
- He is the first Person in south India, to treat Brain Tumours by Interstitial Brain Implant using High dose rate Brach therapy and is one of the few doctors in India to have done Implant brachytherapy from head to foot.