Dr. Mandeep Dhanda
Urologist Endourologist, Consultant MCh, MS, MBBS, Gurgaon, India Works at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Gurgaon 10 years of experience
- Dr. Mandeep Dhanda is a well known Urologist with experience of over 10 years.
- He performs surgeries like Kidney Transplant, Endourology (Stone and Prostrate) Surgery, Lap Urology, Laser Surgery, Uro- Oncosurgery, Andrology and Robotic Surgery with much dexterity.
- He has received several awards for his excellence. He was nominated for USI- Olympus Resident’s International Travel Fellowship in USICON-2014, New Delhi.
- He was the recipient of GEM Award (2018) in Max Saket for his commendable service in areas of Medicine and Treatment.
- He regularly participates in Conferences and presents papers. He has presented more than 10 Podium Papers, Moderated Posters, Video Demonstrations in different zonal (NZUSICON and others) and National (USICON) Conferences.
- He has been honored with the membership of several prestigious associations like: Urological Society of India, North Zone Urological Society of India.
- He is persistently engaged in research works and has published four Papers and one Case Report in National and International Journals so far.