Dr. Clington Fernando
Orthopaedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon Consultant MCh, FRCS, MRCS, Diploma, MBBS, Chennai, India Works at Apollo Heart Centre, Chennai 19 years of experience
- Dr Clington Fernando is among the most reputed Orthopedic & Joint Replacement Surgeons with an experience of +19 years.
- He is a professional member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS), the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, the British Orthopaedic Association, Indian Orthopaedic Association and the Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India.
- After completing MBBS in 1997, from Stanley Medical College & Hospital, he did a diploma in 2000. He did a few fellowships in London and even did an M.Ch in UK.
- Dr.Fernando is reputed for keyhole surgeries, revision joint replacement surgeries, paediatric orthopedics, limb reconstruction, complex fractures and sports injuries.
- In his career, he has performed over 3,500 surgeries, a majority of which have been hip and knee replacements.
- Dr. Fernando is an extremely active person. He has delivered several courses and lectures in London and other places in India.
- He has also co-authored several research papers for reputed journals.