Patient Story

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Nigerian Patient Success Story Cataract and Eyelid Surgery in Delhi India

Patient Information

Full Name - Mr. Okeke
Country - Nigeria
Treatment - Cataract and Eyelid Surgery


I am Mr Okeke from Nigeria and I would like to share my medical tour experience with Medserg made all the arrangements for getting his treatment done in India. Further, he shares his experience of Laser cataract surgery in India. I am Mr.Okeke from Nigeria sharing my beautiful experience with Medserg for getting my Laser cataract surgery done in India. I am very much thankful to team  for its service which enabled me to get back my vision. I could never read the weights or check ingredients. Many times I had to buy a pair of the store’s reading glasses to do my shopping! My family would laugh at me because I had a pair of glasses in every room, so I could check a recipe or the oven temperature,or to check the times of my favourite programmes! Worst of all, being keen on going to the gym, I could no longer read the instructions or set up the programme I wanted. Then I visited my doctor who further confirmed the need of Laser cataract surgery. And he advised me to get it done in India as many of his patients had their treatment in India and they were absolutely fine post treatment. The doctor also suggested me some of the names of medical tourism company in India. After some research I decided to get my Laser cataract surgery in India done through Medserg. They assisted me for all the arrangements from travel till my cataract surgery was done and provided everything I needed.

The Laser cataract surgery procedure is quick and painless. It was done in an outpatient basis and took about fifteen minutes. the actual laser part of the procedure took five minutes. The doctor used an eye drop to dilate my pupil before the treatment. That made my vision more blurry. The doctor used a contact lens to stabilise the eye, he also used a drop to anaesthetise (numb) the front of my eye. Once my pupil was dilated I had to place my head on the headrest of the laser machine to help keep my eye still. Then the doctor used the laser to remove part of the capsule. The laser uses a wavelength that cannot be seen, but there is a light which I noticed that helps the doctor see what they are doing. Each laser shot was over in a fraction of a second and I didn�t feel anything but I noticed a few flashing lights as the laser was fired and I heard some faint clicks as the laser was working. I noticed that I had a few more floaters in my eye but this was normal and they improved with time. Following the laser surgery I had sight similar to that which I had following the original cataract operation. Because the laser cataract surgery doesn’t require any incisions or stitches I was normally able to return to my daily activities the next day and I was discharged from the clinic.

Only six hours after my Laser cataract surgery procedure, was making myself tea, I glanced across the work surface and realized that I could actually read the newsprint without my glasses, I could not believe it. Life just got better and better, no more searching for lost glasses when shopping, no more embarrassing moments in restaurants. Being able to watch television and seeing detail – but best of all being able to programme the machines in the gym! They took care of me in a holistic manner and I was ready to go home after that. I would like to really appreciate Medserg for providing me such a nice service away from my home country. The assistants made everything for me that I required during my stay, during laser cataract surgery and post surgery. And now my life has changed a lot. Now I am living a normal life as before without any complication.
Sincer Thanks to All!

Thank you,

Mr. Okeke

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